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Créature Extraordinaire
Créature Extraordinaire, an ensemble of oils on wood by Chiang Mai based artist Myrtille Tibayrenc, depicts the inner world of her models. Something beyond their physique, an attitude, a glimpse perhaps at their spiritual dimension. Above all their uniqueness.
Myrtille, who was featured in the Bangkok Art Biennale (BAB), says, “I enjoy painting especially the youth, their trends of body jewelry, tattoos and sometimes gender transitions, or just asserted sexual orientations. But it can be simple body parts which resonate with eroticism or mysticism - two sides of the same medal. I always had a concern for gender issues, so several models incarnate this “In between” which I find fascinating. My view on these models is not judgmental, it is a simple observation of humans around me. Most models are my friends, often creative people, artists, fashion designers, photographers.”
These new works by Myrtille were painted on recycled wood planks, various essences of ancient wood from northern Thailand; teak, mango, and padauk. “I use the bases of ancient natural gesso technique to prepare the wood and try to preserve as much of the vein patterns. The oil work is then very light in order to keep the wood grain visible. It becomes the skin of my models, giving them an organic feel”